Author Archives: T-Rave
Thought Thursday: Be Creative
Weekend Vlog: Bike and Cuts
Thought Thursday: Do Your Best
A Team Review
Tech Tuesday: Evo 4G Review
Weekend Vlog Update: Shaves and Evo’s
Gillette ProGlide Shave
Main live stream from the shaving
Evo 4G live stream from the shaving
Gillette Fusion ProGlide Pledge Voting
[poll id=”3″]
Live streaming will be taking place at 3pm CST on June 6th. Stop on by as I shave 😀
Evo 4g Madness
Evo 4G Unboxing
First Video Recording
640×480 Vga Quality
First 720p Recording
Shot in 720p and uploaded straight to Youtube
First Ustream Test
Test of the Android App through wifi
Some Streaming Qik Test To Youtube
Test after the June 4th Update
Test of the front camera after the update
Test of the front camera before the update
First Evo 4G Pictures
First 8MP picture, taken with the back camera
Taken with the 1.3MP camera on the front with my friend Rachel. Aren’t we awesome?
First front cam picture, taken at Benettis
First 4G Speed Test app clocking the 4G speed at Bannister and Wornall
First Foursquare Check-in
Using the FourSquare app, I checked-in at Chipotle for lunch
First Gowalla Check-in
Using the Gowalla app, I also checked-in at Chipotle for lunch