2 thoughts on “Monday Madness Dec 1

  1. ok so, i noticed something about the past couple of Mondays- the overview of the week to come is basically about movies coming out! you know im a big movie guy too so its still interesting for me, but what other stuff are you looking forward to? what are your plans for the week? got any funny or frustrating events from the past week or from over the weekend?
    and for Wed.: i would like to know how you got into all this tech stuff- why you became interested in it in the first place. let’s hear a little T-Rave history!
    please and thank you. keep it up!

  2. How about filling me in on how acoustics technically work when running a soundboard for a large auditorium? I understand the basic concepts but as far as troubleshooting and equalizing different sounds on a board, I’m a bit lost. What is troubleshooting? How does it effect the overall sound? And what exactly has to happen in order for you to not just say, “well this doesn’t sound crappy”, but instead, “this is exactly the sound we need!”
    Fill me in!
    And I definitely agree with E-Roc on the history of T-Rave idea, what made you T-Rave!?

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