One thought on “Tech Tuesday: Roku HD Review

  1. Solid review, T-Rave!

    I’ve been pondering what kind of streaming/content delivery device to get for over a year now.

    My friends and I have an LCD TV in our living room, but we usually just watch TV shows or movies on our computers. Sometimes we’ll hook up the iMac (placed next to the TV) to the TV and watch stuff off its hard drive.

    The latest Apple TV and Roku devices are certainly getting quite competitive. As you said, the option to plug in an external hard drive would be really handy for those of us that have lots of content already on our hard drives.

    Also, I can’t quite see the value in investing in any one device or service (Netflix, iTunes Store, Amazon OnDemand) when — for example — Netflix Instant doesn’t have new movies and iTunes is kinda locked down (DRM).

    I’d like to just pay a flat yearly fee to someone to have all the content I want, whenever I want, on whatever device I want, and not have to worry about it working (read: being available) or not.

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