The 27 for 27

So here’s a long delayed post, per usual, but hopefully one that helps me get back on task of what I wrote about in this post. This is the list to rule my 2014 and the year of my 27th being.

Originally, I had planned to write this the week of my 27th birthday. That slipped by, in which this was going to be New Years post… Better late then never? Well here it goes. A list of 27 things I would like to see accomplished ideally by my 27th birthday and no later then the last day of the year.

In no particular order:

  1. Eat Better
  2. Meditation time
  3. Hack my education
  4. More water consumption
  5. More exploration in and out of city
  6. More writing
  7. More reading
  8. Better my development skills
  9. More user groups and interaction throughout the city
  10. Meet more strangers (but only if they have candy)
  11. Skydive
  12. Launch the magical 3 projects by years end
  13. Use Evernote to maintain ideas on the go
  14. More pen to paper
  15. More news consumption
  16. Find work that makes me happy
  17. Start podcast ideas
  18. Clean up my server
  19. Clean up my computing work environment
  20. Better workflow management
  21. No drunk domain buying (unless it’s really good)
  22. Better sleep habits
  23. Less judgement, more encouragement
  24. More completion of ideas
  25. Cleaner living environment
  26. Shoot more videos
  27. Maintain an updated blog

To be honest this is a rough list and I know that a few overlap each other. The point is to have them down in front of me and to share with the world. As I progress through the year and through the list, I will be linking sections of this list to how they are forming.

Idea’s, thoughts, suggestions? Leave them in the in the comments.

A Letter to End the Year

Most of you will never meet him. He’ll never be famous or achieve anything that makes the history books. However, he is a man that I admire and can honestly say that I wouldn’t be where I am today without him. Here is a note from him to me, which could be applied to many lives. So I thought I would share it.

Right off the bat I want to say how much I love you all, how much pride I have in each of you. I truly believe that all of you will be a success, if you aren’t already, in all that you set out to do. Remember that to be truly successful you have to have a clear picture of what you want to do, and you have to give it your all. Don’t give in our give up: Go for it!

In my adult life I have learned a few things that I want to share with you. Take it or leave it as  you wish.

  1. Love your family* as much as yourself. There will be times when Family is the one comforting shelter you can find. Turn to Them and They will be There for you. Trust me I know this to be true.
  2. Respect yourself and those you have contact with. If one does not have respect and faith in oneself, it is hard to have a positive outlook for life. In addition, respect others. People don’t like jerks.
  3. Don’t procrastinate. In my case procrastination has led to moderately high blood pressure, being overweight, a long list of things that need done. (That should have been done already).

In conclusion, I love you all and want to be “around” you all for many more years. With some changes in myself, and you all not adopting some of my bad habits, I plan to be here for each of you for a long time.

Life is not always easy, but with a positive attitude and strong family connection, it can be easier.


I always want to know how you are doing, what’s new, what’s ahead. I am so blessed to have all of you in my life.

Thank You!

Love, Dad

May these words help you when you need a word of encouragement again, or maybe for the first time.

A Start of Something New

Let’s start with, “I had a crappy ending to my day,” which makes this all that much better.

shattered nexus

As I sit here entering the 27th year of my life, I reflect on what I consider shortcomings. It’s been 2 weeks since I entered a new year added to the calendar and I have the looming feeling that I have failed. Not in a way that will effect others, but that disappointing weight that surrounds you when you don’t complete, or in most circumstances even start something.

That would be this blog at the moment.

Now, most of you know of my work on this site more in the form of video, check the archives, so this is a bit of a different medium for myself. With that said, you can forget about proper grammar. I have always been terrible at it and hell this is my blog so you can check that at the preverbial URL front door.  (I have no idea if that makes sense but that is just one of many things to expect.) So how have I “failed” should be asked to bring be back on track.

This blog was supposed to be written on/the day after celebrating my 27th year on this planet. To say that, though, would be a complete lie. If I tried to justify that it was to start after the last post, I would continue to be lying to you and even jumping back a year would be a stretch. This form of “spoken” word was supposed to begin back in 2008 when this site really started to take shape. We all know that it’s easier to start tomorrow rather than today.

Today I rectify that.

If you been blessed/cursed to be introduced to me in the real world we live and breathe in, I think you agree that I am an outspoken idea man.?. <- side note I kinda like that. DIBS! > However, I, and others for that matter, find that most those words rarely form into action. So with many attempts at making the written side of this blog work, I am throwing down the gauntlet.

Honestly, a year ago, well before that, I found myself having interesting things that I have opinions about come to mind. Shocker, I know. Each one of these ideas were “blog” worthy. Power to the content creation! Moments later I would find that the ideas had been swept away with the wind. With the loose enforcement, I made a new habit for myself. Everything goes into the notepad. I then promised myself I would, in short time, I would complete the thoughts in post form. Below is just some of the ill formed thoughts added to my Evernote:

blog post from my vault on evernote

blog post from my vault on evernote

Again, here I sit without a single word typed out in reference to that list and I’m sick of it.!. <- like that one too.>

Thus starts the effort to write more and get back into the “scene” of content producing. And like any good engager, I ask that you comment with hoo-rahs and the false promises of support.

This will be tough, as I know myself quite well, and I would expect nothing less.  The next entry will be an entry of sorts to expand this statement a bit further.

Until then, have a great day, share if you like and don’t be afraid to start something new.

Hello World! v2 or something like that. Out.