So yesterday I mentioned a little something about multi-media engineer. Well, more on that a little later but this helps explain some recent idea’s and thoughts that have been running around in my mind. Watch the video see how this world is changing in advertising senses.
Category Archives: The Archive
Everyone needs a new start from time to time. This is everything from the past dating back before 2012
Let’s get this rolling
So I pay for this so I should use it right?
Well here is the new entry and hopefully a plead that will get readers interested once again.
So in the past week I learned and managed to pull a few things off that has made me realize a few things about myself.
This week I have worked as a graphic designer, web designer, video editor, producer, sound engineer, and a few other things. What does that mean? Not quite sure actually. Other then the obvious that I am multi-talented/gifted, it means I am your one stop multi-media engineer. More to come on that last part.
I also found that I can meet and break deadline dates. I have always been good at meeting dates but never breaking, in the sense of being ahead of time. I find the thrill of burning the midnight oil to get projects done. I impressed myself, amoung others, in doing this feat. Kinda feels good to not have to worry about things.
So I am taking a breather right now from all this craziness. Actually, thinking of how I can use this site to the max. Keep update with checking back and joining my facebook page. Find it at T-Rave.
Hello world!
Welcome to T-Rave’s spot. Oh yes, a fantastic chunk of the web for everyone to enjoy. Please stay tuned while the site grows and expands.